Chances are that if you came to this article in answer to the above question, you find yourself in possession of some sort of military vehicle and want to know the legality surrounding it. Or perhaps...
Posts by creator10
If you’ve watched a bunch of movies about the army, or if you have had family members in the military, you’ve likely noticed how almost every single member of the military is usually wearing a...
Military uniforms are great while you're serving in the military, but what are you supposed to do when yours is old and worn, and you've long since retired? You could keep it hanging in the back of...
Hollywood isn't known for accuracy, and the movies that revolve around the U.S. military are no exception. Anyone who has any experience with the military knows that movies get military uniforms...
If you’ve ever been to a shooting range, you know that they always make you wear protective glasses. You’re told that it is for your own protection, but can ballistic glasses really protect you...