Can you run in military boots?

If you plan on either joining the military or purchasing military boots for hunting or other activities, it is important to know how useful they are and what their impact is on your feet.

You can most definitely run in military boots. However, it is important to know they they are built for tactical purposes, and are most often heavier than ordinary boots and can cause injury if not broken in properly.

Wearing military boots can be a great advantage for tactical purposes such as hiking or hunting. But why? Let’s learn together, shall we.

What are the Risks of Running in Military Boots

There aren’t a lot of risks that come with running in boots, but there are problems that can prevent you from running every again. Because of the firm support that the boots offer, it can almost feel like running on flat concrete. This will quickly ruin one’s arches and will cause serious feet problems that more often than not result in surgery.

Another common problem is that the toes can get shoved against the ends of the boots and may cause ingrown toenails, which have to also be surgically removed. Ingrown toenails usually don’t stop once they start, and may end up needing to have the entire toenail removed. Both of these options are incredibly painful and will cause permanent damage and chronic problems. They can be easily fixed by having insoles in the bottom of your shoes and getting toes protectors. Protect your feet from the start and running in them will become a breeze in no time.

Some less serious feet problems are things such as blisters and being rubbed against the lower calves. It’s important to wear tube socks when wearing long stalked boots like military boots. Thicker tube socks act like a protectant against the roughness of the military boot. Blisters are extremely painful, and can be a result of new boots. Wearing hydro band-aids when blisters start to appear will protect them from getting larger or popping and causing more problems.

How to Break in Military Boots

The best way to break in military boots is a few days at a time, if that is possible. Wear them for one full hour, then take a break. Wearing new boots for an extended period of time is what will cause you to have large blisters and burns around your legs. It’s basically trying to train your skin to get used to the texture of a new shoe, or in this case, a boot.

Another great way of breaking in new boots, if you’re looking for something a little quicker, is immersing your boots entirely in water. Once they’ve been soaked for a few minutes, take them out and make sure that all of the water is out of the inside. Put the boots on; what this is going to do is have the boot mold to the shape of your foot. Don’t wear them for long, then take them off and set them to dry overnight or in front of a fan.

There’s another article on our website that also has some more great information that will help you break in new shoes, which can be found here.

Which Military Boots are Best for Running

Garmont T8 Bifida

This is supposed to be the best overall boot on the market. This boot is only 23 ounces, and has polyester webbing that is breathable and stretchy, which is a better fit for running in. These boots are best for wet climates, which makes it great for navy seals, or for hunting during wet and winter climates.

This boot comes in both regular and wide fit, making it suitable for all kinds of feet sizes and conditions. The insole is flexible and breathable, which makes it excellent for people who are more flat-footed and need arch support. They’re not an incredibly expensive boot, but are certainly an investment.

Rocky S2V Predator Military

This is the runner-up boot in regards to military footwear for runners or hunters. The list of reasons as to why this boot is remarkable is interesting to say the least; not only is it water resistant, but it also has a flame resistant PTFE coated layer, and exceeds the greatest levels of comfort. This boot is triple stitched, making it extremely difficult to wear out quickly.

Whether you’re going to be going into basic training for the military, or you plan on hunting in dense foliage during the summer months, these boots will be a great option for you. More often than not, military boots are going to be over $100, but if you want your feet to be protected, it is a great investment and won’t cost you as much as feet surgery will.

Altama Foxhound SR

If comfort is more of what you’re looking for, these boots are perfect for that. These boots aren’t necessarily designed with the need to be water-proof or fire-proof, but they are comfy. The material is designed to be breathable and lightweight, so as to prevent excess moisture, which is breeding ground for blisters and irritation.

The insole on this particular boot is more curved to hug the sole of your feet, providing the necessary support needed to prevent your feet from becoming flat. This boot is not heavy, which is optimal for running swiftly and smoothly. This is a little more than $100, and is a relatively affordable option if you’re looking for a boot specifically for running while not compromising comfort.

How Long Will These Boots Last

Military boots are designed to be durable. If the boots aren’t well taken care of, they can last anywhere from eight months to a year. Boots need to be greased and not scraped against the ground. If they’re waxed often, then they can last up to two years. It is entirely dependent on what they’re used for. Military boots for personnel are going to be used daily in rigorous exercises. If they’re being used for hunting purposes or hiking, they may last longer because they’re not going to be run into the ground, pun absolutely intended.

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