What Are Army Tents Made Out Of?

When it comes to outdoor camping, one of the most important things to have is a quality tent. The military frequently needs tents for training exercises, temporary bases, and any other outdoor expedition. But what are military tents made of?

Army tents can be made out of a variety of materials, but the most common ones are weatherproofed vinyl, canvas, and polyester. Aluminum frames are often used to provide structure and support while cotton liners are sometimes used to preserve the warmth.

Military tents are made in many different shapes, sizes, and forms, and a variety of companies manufacture them. This means that it’s difficult to get a one-size-fits-all answer. However, several common materials are used to make tents, and each of their pros and cons will be discussed below.

Popular Tent Materials

Tents need to be strong, flexible, weatherproof, and easy to put up and disassemble. Many different materials can meet these demands, but they often do it in different ways.


Canvas has been a material used in tents for decades. It’s still in use today for good reason: It really works! Cotton canvas is the most common variation that is used in tents, but the polyester canvas is sometimes used as well.

Canvas is a weatherproof material that repels water droplets, but it is also breathable and durable.

On the downside, cotton canvas frequently needs to be treated and maintained so that it remains water-resistant. Both types of canvas can also be more heavy and expensive when compared to other options on this list.


Vinyl is a very popular material that’s used to construct military tents. Vinyl can be used in many different parts of the tent, including tarps that can be used for extra weatherproofing.

A common variation of vinyl is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This is usually used as a synthetic fiber that is then woven together to make strong tarps. Vinyl products are extremely durable and are better at waterproofing than canvas.

However, the canvas is a more natural material and has a smaller environmental impact. Vinyl can also be quite expensive and is difficult to recycle.


Polyester is commonly used in a lot of outdoor gear. Polyester coats and sleeping bags are rapidly gaining in popularity because of their lightweight construction and heat-saving properties.

It can also be used to make tents! Because this is a plastic-based fabric, it’s resistant to water. It’s easy to fold, pack, and store, which might make it appealing to people who will be traveling a lot. It’s also quite cheap because it’s so easy to manufacture.

On the other hand, polyester isn’t as durable as other materials. It can break down when it’s frequently exposed to UV radiation, rain, and wind. It’s a great option for those who camp occasionally but it won’t last very long when it’s heavily used.


Nylon is another lightweight material that is popularly used to construct tents. It’s more long-lasting than polyester and is extremely light and easy to compress.

Nylon comes in a few varieties, so it’s important to make sure that it has been waterproofed if you’re going to buy a nylon tent.

Nylon solves some of the problems that polyester faces, but it has downsides as well. While it might last longer overall, nylon is a bit more fragile than polyester and is prone to tear and UV damage. It’s also a bit more expensive.

Cuben Fiber

Cuben fiber is also known as Dyneema composite fabric (DCF). This material is a bit newer to the game, but it has proven itself to be fantastic for tent construction. It’s extremely strong and durable, yet is still lightweight and water-resistant.

Cuben fiber is often considered to be the best tent material for its overall quality and lifespan. Unfortunately, all these benefits come with a hefty price tag! It’s a wonderful product, but that also makes it quite expensive.

Cuben fiber can also be a bit inflexible at times and can be damaged by direct heat (such as from camping fires or stoves).

Best Military Tents

Many companies make tents that can be used by the army, but these models are also available for civilian use!

GP TENT 4 SIDED (16’ X 16′)

This tent is made out of canvas and has 2 roll-up mesh windows. There are also vents in the roof that can be opened up to improve ventilation. These top vents can also be used to accommodate stove pipes for cooking and heating the tent.

The GP 4 sided tent is an all-purpose tent that can be used by multiple people. It has a simple green color scheme that helps it blend in with a variety of environments.

For more information on this tent, including sizes, availability, and delivery options, visit this link.


This tent is made with a combination of cotton and vinyl, which gives it better insulation and waterproofing capabilities. It has 2 doors, which allows for a better traffic flow.

Each of the doors also comes with an insect screen so that the occupants can enjoy fresh air without the downside of bugs. The roof has an opening for a stovepipe, as well as reinforcement in that area to protect the tent material. This tent is a great all-around option for any outdoor experience.

For more information on this tent, including sizes, availability, and delivery options, visit this link.

U.S. G.I. BASE X 303 SHELTER (18′ x 15′)

This tent is made by the popular outdoor brand: Coleman. They are trusted providers of military tents, and this model is a great addition to their collection.

This tent is a medium-sized shelter that can be used in many locations for a variety of purposes. It has a total of 4 entrances and can be set up in less than 10 minutes when two people work together. It also comes with luxuries such as electrical outlets, hooks that can hold loads of 100 lbs. each, and a built-in liner.

For more information on this tent, including sizes, availability, and delivery options, visit this link.

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